


About Us

Kunshan Liyuanxin Metal Products Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of two series of products: 1. Soft claws (raw claws) 2. Hard claws.

Soft claws: standard and non-standard soft claws, metric and inch soft claws, strong soft claws, T-blocks, etc. The soft claws are made of 45# steel, aluminum claws, stainless steel claws, plastic claws, copper claws, etc.

Production equipment: CNC lathes, CNC wire cutting, CNC EDM machines, professional internal grinding, precision cylindrical grinding, precision surface grinding, machining centers, engraving and milling machines and other advanced processing equipment.

Liyuanxin Global


Contact us

Contact: Miss Li

Tel: 0512-50329146

Landline: 0512-57270366

Q Q: 1485940282


Address: Room 6, No. 119, Lisheng Road, 

Huaqiao Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province

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